Doris passed this tag, I am – Live Life… Organics & Your Health to me. This is an exclusive tag for those who use their name as their domain. Doris and I have been exchanging memes! Haha! I tagged her, then she tagged me back! 🙂 Anyway, I love this meme, it’s like one of the easiest ones I have ever done! 🙂
I think I have had my own domain for coming to 2 years now. Why did I get my own domain? Well, thought I better ‘chop’ (Singlish/Manglish way of saying reserve) it before it is gone. Haha! 🙂 So if you have been tagged by me, choose three friends of yours to tag. Remember, only tag those with their name as the domain.
1) Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2) COPY the ENTIRE List below and add it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
3) Take “My Adds†and move them into the “My Originals†list.
4) Add 3 Brand New Narcissistic Bloggers that you know of
My Adds:
My Originals:
Violet Lim
Paris Beaverbanks
Samantha Yeap
Chan Eileen
Chan Lilian
Liew CF
Andrew Wee
Hong Kiat
Gary Lee
Ed Lau
John Chow dot Com
Nate Whitehill
Stephen Fung
Michael Kwan
Jeff Kee
Stuart Hannig
Hannes Johnson
Nathan Drach
Saman Sadeghi
Jon Waraas
David Lithman
Matt Blancarte
Ryan Parker
Josh Buckley
Matt Coddington
Brice Wong
Leo Chiang
Tyler Ingram
Ah Boon
***Stop Copying Here***